Kihnu is a small Estonian island situated not far from the place I live. Its population is approximately 500 and there are only 4 villages.
What makes the place so unique is their old culture and traditions kept alive for centuries. It’s a place where women wear folk costumes daily, people often sing folk songs while walking and unique handicraft is highly honored. The main attraction is the island itself, with scenery, people and way of life.

The men of the Kihnu community have taken to sea to hunt seals and fish, while the women have remained on the islands to farm and to maintain the household. Kihnu women thus have become the principal custodians of the cultural traditions embodied in numerous songs, games, dances, wedding ceremonies and handicrafts.

The most visible emblem of Kihnu culture remains the woolen handicrafts worn by the women of the community. Working in their homes using traditional looms and local wool, the women weave and knit mittens, stockings, skirts and blouses, which often feature bright colors, vivid stripes and intricate embroidery. Many of the symbolic forms and colors adorning these striking garments are rooted in ancient legends.

Kihnu island is a part of UNESCO Intangible Heritage Lists.
I believe their handicrafts makes everyone jealous. Not many people can knit like women living in Kihnu. Enjoy the photos and search more from Google if interested!
Wow, looks amazing... that knitting loom looks like fun haha!
Wow I love those colors and weaving is high up on my list of things I would really love to learn!
Great blogpost. Love the photos!
Those skirts are beautiful!
Thanks so much for this interesting article. This place sounds like a real treasure. So pleased that it's managed to carry on its old traditions...thanks mainly to these wonderful women I'm sure...
great read ! Love those socks ! and the colours in the skirt are fabulous !!
OH, dear me... I long to visit there! What beauty, and fantastic to see people wearing traditional garments. the socks...
very nice
Looks like a wonderful place, so nice to see that there are still places like this!
those stockings are so beautiful!
Thank you!
If any of you will come to visit me someday, I promise to take you there! The place is really worth to visit (shame on me, I have never been there myself....)
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