Please give me a bit time for announcing the winner.
Blog giveaways seem to be popular and I decided to do it also!
One of the readers will get this beret, knitted from 100% Shetland wool. Manufacturer is Angels & Elephants, color Holly Berry. Worth $27.
The contest is open until 5th August.
If you want to take part, then leave a comment to this post and write about your favorite travel destination.
Where have you spent your holidays? Why you liked the country? Why you recommend it to other too?
I'm planning my winter holidays at the moment and it can help me to decide where to do- I'm not sure if I prefer a skiing trip or sun and beach. Convince me :)
And please, leave your e-mail address under the post!
I will pick a winner after 5th August and contact her/him personally, but announce the winner in blog also.
See you later!
My best trip ever was to Nepal but it has changed quite a bit since when I was there. I'm sure that it is still as beautiful as ever but the political situation is much harder now. I loved the kindness of the people, the roughness of the mountains and the absolutely breattaking views wherever you where.
Good luck with the give-away - it's a lovely beret! :)
I would say Turkey :) But I know you have been here often... Well remember the beautiful beaches and gorgeous places to explore :)
I vote for Norway. Beautiful and stunning scenery; great mountains; good skiing, and gorgeous weather and long days in summer.
I haven't been many places, but I really loved Ireland when I was there!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
My favorite destination....Paris France....so romantic and rich with history.
I love to travel to the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. There is hiking, biking, river activities, small museums, fun cafes & shopping. It doesn't hurt that my parents are there so we have a free place to stay!
melonkelli AT gmail DOT com
I like both skiing and a beach destination. However going to the beach requires flying, an expensive proposition if you have a family. And now that our kids can all ski, a skiing vacation may be in order for us as well. Beautiful beret!
Angela [at] mommybytes [dot] com
Great giveaway! I would love to travel to Italy... I've never been out of Canada, except once when I went to Rhode Island for a research conference. Montreal is quite nice, and I always love going home to Verner, Ontario.
Awesome! That looks so pretty! I would love to win it =) Best wishes to your contest!
OUr favorite places are Belgium and England as that's where our families live. We're going back for 3 weeks in August (finally after 2 years)!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
My absolute favorite trip, as a child or an adult, has been Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL.
Ah, an absolute beautiful beret: thank you for the chance.
I've never been out of the country(gasp). I would love to visit
the Ukraine or Tibet though.
Where we vacation is simply nearby day trips as I have an aging iguana that no one cares to sit with.
It's okay though, I'd rather have her :)
We like winter in Lake Tahoe. It's beautiful and there are activities for everybody - sledding, skiing, snowboarding and the like. There's even a zipline.
Well for me it's the British seaside - I LOVE it (especially Cornwall and North Devon - so many great memories).
I just don't feel like I've had a holiday if I haven't made sandcastles, paddled in the sea and eaten fish & chips by a harbour.
Unfortunately, whilst there are some fine beaches the sun isn't guaranteed.
I am heading off tommorrow for a week on the South Wales coast - fingers crossed it will be sunshine everyday.
Happy Holidays everyone :-)
Hawaii, where I grew up, is my favorite destination. Especially since I am in Kansas where there are no mountains or ocean...
I would go to Stockholm, Sweden anytime! I spent six months there and could have stayed a lifetime. There is the old part of Stockholm (Gamla Stan) that has great coffee cafes and amazing history. But then there is the newer part of Stockholm that has all the latest fashions and great nightlife. Public transportation is easy to follow and everyone is so friendly and will help you if you get lost. Most people there know English too which helps. You can also take the train to Upland and stay in a hotel that is made of ice, you can go to the countryside is see the castle in Wik, or rent a boat and go on the Swedish Archipelago! It is an amazing country and there is so much to do and amazing people who live there.
I used to live in Germany and it was so pretty! I can remember the gorgeous fruit orchards, quaint farm towns, and rustic looking buildings! Thanks!
I don't travel much but my favorite summer destination in Acadia National Park in Maine (not a winter option in my mind!), outside the USA my favorite place is the Cayman Islands.We went there on our honeymoon and it was gorgeous! I liked swimming with the stingrays.
how cute i love to win this for my little one and well my best trip was to vicksbug miss it was alot of fun in fact every trip i have ever been on was grate
I love Maryland's Eastern Shore. It's a gorgeous place to visit--full of lots of little shops, gorgeous old houses and small beaches.
We've been to Negril, Jamaica twice and loved it both times. The first trip we did all kinds of activities and explored all over the island and the second one we really relaxed and spent the time lounging on the beach. In all, Jamaicans are so friendly and accommodating and made me feel like I never wanted to leave!
My favorite place to visit are the mountains north of Madrid. But I've only been there during spring and summer, so I can't recommend it for a winter holiday.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com
My favorite travel destination is Hawaii, or Yellowstone!
Amazing hat! I am in love with it.
I always tell people that if I ever have to leave the U.S., I'm going to Germany. It's beautiful, has great shops and people are so nice!
My fave is the Outerbanks in NC. At the end of August, the beach is completely empty. Wonderful vacation. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
I loved Alaska in winter while growing up there - it is so beautiful and I took the Northern Lights for granted, not realizing that not everyone had that lovely experience. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com
My fave holiday was in Japan. I love it so much! The people were friendly. The food was superb! Their culture was fantastic. The sights -- AMAZING! I'd definitely recommend it because I never loved Japanese food before I visited. A skiing trip sounds a whole lotta fun, but that's cos I live near the equator :P
bunnybx at gmail . com
GO TO ARGENTINA!! It is so beautiful and if you go during our winter, you'll get to enjoy summer down there! The food is to die for and everything is so inexpensive. I recommend visiting Mendoza and/or Bariloche!
My favorite holiday was in MN, it is lush and green. I loved it. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite trip was the one I just went on with my husband for our 10th anniversary. We stayed at a b&b on lake ontario in sodus point, ny. Just beautiful!
=) melanie
We don't usually go far from home, usually just a few hours car ride from where we live to the beach in Galveston, TX. Our family has beach homes there so its always nice. My daughter likes to go out on the boat. Great giveaway, thanks! hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
I haven't traveled very much, we stay close to home even on holidays
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I have 2 favorite vacation spots. The 1st one is Cozumel, Mexico and I've been there 4 times and hope to go back many more times. I love the people, the climate, ocean and history. I know my way around the town and like to go to the non-tourist restuarants and shops. My 2nd favorite is Captiva Island, Florida. The beaches are pristine and it's a great place to bring our family. You can rent bikes and ride all over the island. It's the best place to collect seashells. Everyone can just kick back and relax and have fun. You can easily find a small cottage to rent that is furnished and has a kitchen and you can save much money by doing it this way instead of a hotel. We rent a little cottage that has its' own private beach and screened porches and normally can get it for under $100 a night off season. Trust me, you'll love it!
any beach with plenty of sand florida
South Dakota
My best trip ever was through Canada, the landscape is so pretty and the streets are so clean. There were so many different things to do, it was just lovely.
I love Christmas in New York. The great shopping, the vendors roasting chestnuts, the decorations and lights. It was really magical.
Our favorite Holiday destination is New England where my parents and grandparents live. They live in Haverhill which is 40 minutes from Boston. They live about 10 miles from the ocean and in the winter months New England is just gorgeous! There something very classic and traditional about spending the holidays in Haverhill. It is an old town, with lots of old buildings and neat old homes, and of course lots of old style home cooking! It is like taking a trip back in time and forgetting about the pressures and pace of everyday living! Thank you for this great giveaway!
My best trip ever was to Maui with my husband. I know Hawaii can be a common destination but Maui was so calming. Even when we over booked our days we still felt relaxed and at peace. We found every little no frills restaurant that the locals went to and saved a ton and had great food. We went in September but next time I will go in January or February when the whales come in. The locals say it is amazing. Also make sure you rent a Jeep so you can drive through the rain forest and the desert it is well worth the extra money.
Iceland is the my favorite place to take a magic carpet ride too. The landscape is fantastic and to experience it by Icelandic Horse and hiking. The volcanic rock and puffins just make it magical.
The only trip I ever took was to Washington DC. I loved it! When you go, make sure to see the botanical gardens and ALL of the museums.
My favorite destination is NYC! It's so exciting exciting the airport and entering an entirely different world from the one I live in. At every turn there is something to see and the vibe is so much faster than the laid back lifestyle I live. Very exhilarating!
I liked Spain! I liked the food, the culture, the architecure, the historical background, and the people were fairly nice too!
lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com
It's probably very strange to say that my favorite place is Walt Disney World in Florida. We go every three years and we're set to go here in 2 weeks. Im so excited.
My favourite holiday destination would have to be India, it was amazing. I loved the friendly people, beautiful architecture and bargain shopping! It was busy, colourful and so different to where I live in Australia and I can't wait to visit again one day.
My favorite travel destination is the Jersey shore. Every year we rent a house for a week and just spend the week sun bathing, reading and relaxing. Next year we may try Cape May a bit farther south than we usually go, but a lot to do in a small seashore town.
I have been to Romania and the countryside is very beautiful and many things to see.
i really like going to Las Vegas, not for the gambling or drinking, or partying, but for the atmosphere, the air is filled with excitement at all hours of the night! it makes me feel really good for some reason.
My fav destination has to be Aruba. It is just beautiful. So relaxing.
During Christmas break I have visited my parents in Naples, FL. It is a beautiful beach area with lots to do!
I love the Berkshires - the land is gorgeous, the people are really friendly. It's got year round things to do, a ton of great farms, and lots and lots of activities for kids - not to mention the fabulous food, incredible music at Tanglewood and the immense dedication to the arts throughout the region.
For a winter getaway Switzerland can not be beat. The sking is superb, the accomodations and food first rate, friendly people. The scenery is beautiful. Wonderful sking in the mountains.
Wow, Lots of people have been to fun places, for those of us who have to travel close to home, especially this year with the price of gas my best place to spend the holidays, is with Mom. SHe makes the best fudge and nglish toffee. We always have french dip sandwiches and with lots of family around, I can't think of a better place to be. I would love to win this, my name is Holly and my Dad has called me Holly Berry my whole life.
i loved going to Egypt, everything there is so ancient, and it just amazing, plus the men ain't to bad looking either, hahaha!
I love the beret. It reminds me of our trips to Paris.
China. We had a wonderful time, especially visiting temples in Hong Kong. jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Your beret is absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful color! My favorite holiday was our first trip cross country to the Grand Canyon. We flew over it in a helicopter, and I took some awesome pictures! I'd love to visit Prince Edward Island, Canada, one day. I love to travel and delight in going anywhere! (debgiro at wildblue dot net)
I love the Bahamas. While the food was pricey, I love the weather and shopping there. It's been a few years since we went but we booked one of those cruise tours to one of the remote islands. They had an outdoor flea market and I got some great deals there.
My favorite travel destination is the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick Canada
My favorite destination Paris, France it is so romantic and rich with history.
My favorite trip was to Germany, Austria and Italy during the month of December. My family and I visited the Christmas Markets in each country. It was amazing.
favorite place to go is disneyland and Southern California. I just love being able to be a kid again!
You're all so fantastic, thank you! 3 more hours to post your comments and tomorrow morning (by Estonian time) will take my coffee cup, laptop and read them all! And of course, then I will make my decision and let you know!
Seattle, Washington...interesting city and lots to do! Also, kid friendly.
i love salisbury beach,mass :)
Corsica, France is the best vacation spot ever! If you love all things French and Italian then their beautiful beaches and delicious Mediterranean cuisine is for you! I highly recommend a little fishing village called Campomoro to anyone looking for the vacation of a lifetime!
Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to travel very much, and especially not to wonderful far away places. However, my very favorite place that I do get to travel to is Disneyland. We went this past January to celebrate my 100 pound weight loss (without surgery) and everything was still decorated for the holiday. The Haunted Mansion was all decorated as "The Nightmare Before Christmas". I highly recommend a holiday season in a Disney park.
Ireland! ---because of the fine folk, soulful music, and great pubs. Go if you can! It's a Welcome of Welcomes that's for sure!
I will always love Disney World more than any other place. It's just so fun and everyone is so happy. It's fun to be childlike again and just relax and take joy in the simple things. It truly is magical!
Sedona Arizona, it has the most beautiful hiking places!
Cozumel Mexico, great fun and very relaxing! We try to go every summer or somewhere near by it. I have been dieing to spend Christmas in Colorado snow skiing, but don't have the money for everyone to join.
My favorite travel destination is Alaska--especially by plane. When I was 13, my grandmother's birthday present to me was a cruise to Alaska and we flew into Anchorage to catch the ship. When you are close to the airport, you see nothing but clouds and all of a sudden the mountains appear. It is the most beautiful and striking sight to see! I haven't had the money to travel since I graduated from high school 25 years ago, but I would love to go back with my son.
Thank you for the contest!
Black Rock City in Nevada! The temporary city that houses Buring Man! There's nothing like it in the world!
The most amazing trip I ever took was to Disney World. Simply amazing. There are 7 different theme parks within the whole place. I've only been to two but the experience I hold inside forever. The characters, the rides, the atmosphere, all amazing.
You know how they show it in their advertisement where family has a great time? They do well to give you the same experience!
faked_sugartone at hotmail.com
I haven't been very many places, but I highly recommend French Canada if you are in the US. I have never been to Europe and would love to go, but when I was in Montreal, it totally felt like I was in France!
I loved the southern part of Cuba.
My best trip ever was to Hawaii. The first trip was to 4 of the islands. The second fantastic, unforgettable trip was to 2 Islands during Christmas (A trip not to be missed!). Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My best trip was traveling to Italy.The people were friendly,
vineyards are beautiful along with the country side.We saw the roman ruins which was amazing.The food is excellent.The Alps are so
breathtaking,there is alot to see
and do.We rode in a gondilier.
This place is a must see.Thanks for the giveaway
I love the Appalachian Mountains.
r favorite place is Scottsdale AZ. It is warm. But honestly, I would rather be at hme for Christmas.
I love to visit the great smokey mountains in tennessee, they are soo beutiful and the people their are so nice and its a very folky area.
We lived in Scotland for 8 months and had an opportunity to travel all over Europe and the UK. We saw so many lovely places....One of our favorites was Prague....
I love the gothic historical feel...I love the people...the scenery...
It's still affordable since they are not yet on the Euro...if you're in Europe please try to visit Prague!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
My favorite travel destination is Los Angeles because that is where I'm from.
Thank you everyone, you made me really happy!
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